Friday, November 5, 2010

Friday is Venus Day

"Did you hear that Julie got engaged?"
Just a short one today. I was on the bus this morning and there were also two beautiful young women—I'd say somewhere between 24 to 29 years old—on the bus. I happened to overhear their conversation (you can read that as "I eavesdropped shamelessly" because everything about beautiful women fascinates me).

They talked about their jobs, one of them is a staffer at the Senate. They talked about apartments and apartment hunting. They talked about politics. Then they reminisced about university days. They seem to have met when they both came to town to go to university.

They had a lot of news because they have busy, exciting lives and careers they are proud of, and justly proud of from the what I heard.

And then was one said to the other, "Did you hear that Julie got engaged?" Her companion said "Uh huh!" And they both got very quiet for a moment. I can't convey the tone of what  was said here but it was more eloquent than the words and the silence more eloquent still.

I hear a lot about change. I hear, and read, about how the world is different than it was and how the things that matter to women today aren't what they were yesterday. Sometimes I believe it too. But that question and answer was a powerful reminder that the fundamental things apply. No matter what else they talked about, both those women clearly felt that Julie's engagement trumped everything else they had to talk about.

In a flash, they were like two eleven-year olds playing with their Barbies and wistfully wondering what their weddings, husbands and children will be like.

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