Sunday, November 21, 2010

Christ the King

My favourite feast day today. It's also stir-up Sunday, so get to work on your puddings and cakes.

Why stir-up Sunday? Because of the Collect originally used on this day in the old Anglican Book of Common Prayer:
Stir up, we beseech thee, O Lord, the wills of thy faithful people; that they, plenteously bringing forth the fruit of good works, may of thee be plenteously rewarded; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
And in wonderful, pre-modern logic, the two senses of "stir" were linked and people thought, obviously this is the week to make Christmas pudding. (BTW: Isn't that a magnificent sentence? If only the ICEL could write like that.)

And it is.

So much to be grateful for.

The place we live is so beautiful. I've put up pictures of the gardens before. Here is what you see when you get out beyond the gardens:

(You're right: it isn't fair. We have done nothing to deserve all this. Sometimes people come by and tell us how much they'd like to live in our house. Children like it a whole lot because it has such a fairytale quality about it. I like that too. It's just what I used to dream about.)

1 comment:

  1. The reference to Wittgenstein might have caught your eye in this article from today's NY TIMES. I think it raises some interesting points. I've worked with people with Asperger's--among others an older man with the diagnosis who has a son also with the diagnosis who is in a pre-Med program. They tend to be incredibly bright with lousy social skills, but that can be taught successfully.

    OPINION | November 21, 2010
    The Stone: Beyond Understanding
    Do the life and work of Ludwig Wittgenstein suggest that the autistic mind and the philosophical mind have something in common?
