Friday, February 19, 2010

Conscience (5)

So, I went and got a book about conscience. I wasn't very sophisticated about it. I went to the local university bookstore and looked in the moral theology section and took the only book on conscience they had there.

The book is called Confronting the Truth and it's by someone named Linda Hogan. For the next few weeks, I'm going to go through it chapter by chapter.

I'll admit right off the bat that I am not sympathetic to the account it gives. I trust my instincts and my instincts tell me that conscience is a voice that calls us to attention sometimes and that it is nothing more than that. But, on the theory that it is good to confront the views those we disagree with, I'm going to spend the next few Fridays going trough it chapter by chapter.

There are six chapters, so it will take at least six weeks. I probably won't be able to get to every point of interest. My main focus is going to be figuring out, for myself, what conscience is and I will treat her views as a spur for my own thinking.

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