Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Because it's summer: smooth song of the day #20

Wuthering Heights by Kate Bush
When Tori Amos broke in the mid 1980s, the joke was to say she was just like Kate Bush only talented. That, as the old Monty Python gag line had it, was cruel but fair.

But Kate had one song in her and this is it. Yes, the lyrics are stupid and that video is painful to watch (you can't help but get the feeling that Kate's attitude to drugs was "just say yes') but, given the source that inspired the song, that is entirely fitting. I'm rereading Wuthering Heights right now and I can assure you, Emily Bronte was a whack job but she was a whack job who could write brilliantly. Sometimes it doesn't matter that the content is stupid and this is a fine example of that.

Update: Kate bush apparently didn't appreciate this version but what is to stop us?

The series starts here.

The next song is here.

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