Sunday, June 12, 2011

Because it's summer: smooth song of the day #4

So Long Frank Lloyd Wright by Simon and Garfunkel
The clean, smooth girls in Indian cotton I got to know all had piles of old records their big sisters had left behind.

They also tended to have a copy of The Fountainhead  on their bookshelves somewhere but never or only rarely had Atlas Shrugged. Later it became popular to suggest that the real appeal was what happened between Howard and Dominique and there may be something to that. But I think the appeal was mostly the aesthetic values of late romanticism, meaning everything from the Pre-Raphaelites to, well, Frank Lloyd Wright. These girls often dressed as if they were about to audition for the part of Elizabeth Siddal or Jane Morris in an imagined Merchant Ivory production.

Anyway, this song off older sister's left-behind record got played a lot on quiet Sunday afternoons.

The series starts here.

The next song is here.

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