Monday, June 20, 2011

Because it's summer: smooth song of the day #12

Sara Smile by Hall and Oates
I started off with sandals as one of the essential identifying characteristics of the smooth, clean girls but decided that "smooth, clean girls in Indian cotton with leather sandals" was too unwieldy. But I should say something about the sandals. They were thong sandals with a little loop that went over the big toe and braided thong that ran up through the gap between her toes and across the foot. There was a store downtown in the part of town where the head shops and the Army/Navy Surplus store was and if you were really lucky, a smooth, clean girl in Indian cotton would invite you to come down with her when she went shopping. The two of you would feel very brave walking past all the dope dealers and other street people. I would look at the others and think how dirty they all looked and contrast that rough dirt unfavourably with the clean smooth girl at my side.

The shoes were made of some sort of exotic-sounding but actually dirt cheap leather. Water buffalo maybe? I can't remember.

What I do remember sitting on the beach and listening to a smooth, clean girl named Carol Taylor sing this song and I looked at the callouses on her feet from having walked miles and miles in those sandals. As good as the original version below is, it can't quite match that memory.

The series starts here.

The next song is here.

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