Saturday, December 12, 2009

Why it works

When I was in school a bunch of kids replied to the ad on the back of a comic to get prizes by selling seeds. I wanted to join them but my mother wouldn't let me.

Anyway, as Mr. Lileks suggests here, most didn't get any prizes except maybe a valuable lesson about things that look too good to be true. But there was one exception, a kid over on Liverpool Street who sold 800 units. And I bet he wasn't the only one.

It's a funny thing but some people only need direction and they'll go with it. Tell them the weight loss technique will work or tell them they can make a million in real estate and off they go. All they needed was enough of a sense that this might really be possible to try it and then hard work and persistence did the rest.

I wonder if the same applies to to seduction techniques. There were guys at university with me, attractive, clean, funny guys, who never got much because they never tried. They complained about the fact that some other guys had a lot of partners and the only sex they ever got was from women they were in love with at the time. Fear of rejection and a sense that there was some magic ingredient they just didn't have was all that kept them from trying. If they'd read an ad in the back of a magazine and sent for it, that might have been all they needed to actually try.

Assuming they actually wanted it in the first place. It's always seemed to me that a lot of guys are less interested than they like to admit. If you actually talk to women you rapidly realize that many really attractive women sit around craving sex and never get it because the guy they want to ask never does.

Look at guys and talk to them and you quickly see that a lot of them are unwilling to make minimal investment in women such as basic hygiene, learning to actually like being around women and learning how to have a conversation.


It seems to me that a lot of guys don't really want sex except within a loving relationship but feel obliged to pretend otherwise.

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