Sunday, January 24, 2010

A Sunday thought

I'm going to bring the tone down a bit again.

Tori Amos appears to have had a happy childhood. We can't, of course, be too certain about things like that but the evidence is pretty good in this case. I mention it because it might seem as if some of her songs, Take to the Sky with its opening line "This house is like Russia" for example, are autobiographical but they probably aren't.

And even if you insist, despite a lack of evidence, that Tori actually had a horrible childhood and is keeping it a secret, there are still lots of other middle class kids who had nothing but love and support but are angry adults.

So where does all the anger come from? What is it directed at?

I think it is directed at morality. Modern morality, which is to say that it is directed at a morality that offers nothing in return for moral behaviour. As I say, I am dragging things down a bit but I think Tori makes a sound argument about moral theology here. If the only reasons we can give for moral behaviour is either duty or the possibility from produces good social consequences, then this is a rational response:

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