Tuesday, November 23, 2010

1-2-3 cheat

This is the book closest at hand because it is the book I was reading in bed last night and I brought it with me. Following the same rules, I get:
May I give you one? They were three splendid men; Ned was the best of them. He was the last to be killed, and when the telegram came, as I knew it would come, I thought: 'Now it's my son's turn to do what Ned can never do now.'
You'd have to know the book in question pretty darn well to peg it based on that.

Here is the funny thing, looking at this more or less random quote, I noticed something rather significant. The son you see—the son who must do what Ned cannot—is not her oldest son. Why not? Which one does she actually love? That's easy, she loves the younger son. Is her love a blessing? No, it's a curse.

That should have made it easier to guess.


  1. It's Brideshead, of course.

  2. You're right of course. The older I get the less I like Lady Marchmain. When I first read Brideshead, at 23, I quite liked her, with every passing year a little less so.

    Rex, OTOH, grows on me and so does Mulcaster.

    My favourite character is Cordelia but I am beginning to see that Julia is the most important character.

  3. Ooh - I have never liked Lady Marchmain.

    I will have to trust you about Rex; he hasn't grown on me yet. I also do not feel too warmly toward Julia, but perhaps that will come with time as well.

    For me, it is always Sebastian.
