Monday, May 2, 2011

Sort of political Monday

Falling apart
Do you ever worry that things might fall apart?

I do.

And one day they will. That's the thing. You can't tell yourself, it won't happen because it will. One day the Pax Americana we have known for my entire lifetime will come crashing down. The world might even be thrown into another dark age.

And yet it seems stupid to worry about it because the chances that I, as an individual, could do anything decisive to prevent it, should the day come in my lifetime, are nonexistent.

And yet I worry.

Do you?


  1. Billy CarmichaelMay 2, 2011 at 6:29 PM

    Yes I do. But in the meantime life has never been so good. The very best that the world and civilization has had on offer at anytime are all at my doorstep. It probably can't get any better (only one way to go?).

    Let's not worry today. Today Justice caught up to Bin Laden, and the Americans tossed his carcass over the side of one of their awesome carriers. Long live the Pax Americana.

  2. You know, I have been an opponent of the death penalty all my life and yet it doesn't bother me in the least that this guy was summarily executed.

    And how telling it is that it appears that one of his last actions was to hide behind a woman.

    And yet it will all come to an end some day.
