Thursday, February 23, 2012

What betrayal looks like

I think this is supposed to be a human interest story:
A 99-year-old Italian man is divorcing his wife of 77 years after he stumbled across letters she had written to a secret lover in the 1940s.
The damning discovery days before Christmas led the galled grandfather to confront his once two-timing wife immediately, London’s Daily Telegraph reported.
The 96-year-old woman, identified in court papers as Rosa C., reportedly confessed to having an affair 60 years ago, and then tried desperately to persuade her hubby to stay.
It's the kind of thing you read out to someone over coffee so you both can laugh.

I'll tell you what jumps out at me though: she kept those letters for 62 years. That is more than adding insult to injury; it's cruelty. She deserves zero pity from anyone.

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