Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Lana Del Rey quickie

Now there is a post heading that ought to pull in some sick Google searchers.

Anyway, the Atlantic's Spencer Kornhaber thinks that Del Rey is pushing a  "regressive, beautiful, twisted fantasy". And here, he says with a flourish, is a proof:
Album closer "This Is What Makes Us Girls," lays it out: Girls "don't stick together" because they "put love first."
Except that, well, that's absolutely true. I can appreciate that Kornhaber and others wish it were not true  but that is what girls are like.

Added: And why would girls stick together? The case for female solidarity had a certain merit in 1918 and 1970, but it's much harder to see what would women have in sticking together today. And, particularly, what would girls—meaning women between the ages of 15 and their early twenties have to gain from solidarity with other women?

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