Wednesday, September 28, 2011

More suicide stuff

Read the following and see if you have the same reaction I had:
The causes of suicide are complex – an interplay of psychological, biological, social and environmental factors, often sparked by a personal crisis like a failed romance. But about 95 per cent of cases spring from a mental illness such as depression or schizophrenia. 
That's from a Globe and Mail series on teen suicide by André Picard.  I knew André and his wife for years and like the guy a lot. But, seriously, did anyone edit this text? The first sentence says that the causes are complex and cites a whole lot of causes. The second sentence says that 95 percent of cases spring from mental illnesses.

This is wheel spinning. If that second claim is right, then the whole issue is a question of managing mental illness. Nothing else matters—which is to say the "interplay of psychological, biological, social and environmental factors, often sparked by a personal crisis like a failed romance" is just padding.

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