Friday, January 15, 2010

Some things have been improving

On the upside, drugs and technology (mostly developed in the USA) have been getting better. These new developments always get here significantly later than patients south of the border can get them but they do get here eventually.

Funny story on those lines. A few years ago MRI machines were much sought after and some Canadians had taken to driving across the border to get a scan done so as to avoid the up-to-six-month wait. There were stories in the newspaper regularly and considerable political pressure was put on the government to do something about it (the waiting times are now considerably shorter but you do still wait).

While this was going on, my dog developed back problems that put him in considerable pain. I took him to the vet and the vet said she'd like to do an MRI. I said, but he is pain right now. And she said, "The MRI machine is right down the hall, we can do it right now."

And that is the difference between private versus government managed service.

1 comment:

  1. I've heard this same sentiment from other folk about trips to vets, and now I wonder how the political/economic/social views of dog-owners compares to the general population. And I used to wonder what I'd make of pet health-care myself.

    Then not too long ago I found myself with a pet--a cat as it happens--and in a very good vetrinary hospital (I guess there are no bad ones). The staff seemed less beleaguered, beaten, bludgeoned and bullied than those I'd encountered in "the people's" hospitals. We had very fine service, though what the cat thought of it will never be known.

    We had been warned by friends, so before we went in we had a talk (I and Mrs. Kevin, not I and the cat) about what to do when pushed to purchase more medical stuff than what we'd come in for, and we had a little success in keeping the sales person/vet at bay. The visit was expensive, but not prohibitive. During it we were offered, among other incomprehensible (to the medically untrained) services, the choice of Gold, Platinum, and Diamond plans, all comprehensive of course. I remember wanting to hit someone.

    You don't say if you were able to afford the MRI. I hope your dog is well.

    Let me know if you'd like me to tell you the story of the starving & penniless student from the penniless family with the suddenly bad appendix. I live in Canada, so the ending is predictable, bit it's a good story nonetheless.
