Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The birth of geek feminism?

Richard Dawkins believes I should be a good girl and just shut up about being sexually objectified because it doesn’t bother him. Thanks, wealthy old heterosexual white man! 
                                                      Rebecca Watson
Following the ongoing kerfuffle that has come about because of Rebecca Watson pointing out that it's morally offensive to be a creep, I kept thinking, "This has all happened before".

And it has. Back in the late 1960s and early 1970s, women on the radical left found themselves alienated from the rest of the movement and ended up founding a feminist movement. I've written about this before so I won't repeat most of it but one example in particular struck me as apropos. At the 1968 National Conference for New Politics, Shulamith Firestone and Jo Freeman tried to put a resolution forward:

"Cool down little girl," the session chairman told her. "We have more important things to talk about than women's problems."
 And that is what is happening here again. Some male leaders in the atheist/skeptic/geek community are not taking women seriously because 1) these men are sexist and 2) they feel they have more important things to talk about.

Just in case these guys need some help focusing their minds, they might want to review the relative successes of the radical left and feminism after the feminists left and set up shop on their own.

I don't have a dogma in this fight but I do think a seeing a geek feminist movement take off would be a great thing. I think second wave feminism accomplished more good than harm and so I welcome the possibility of another movement. I also think that mainstream and radical feminism lost any real sense of purpose sometime during the Clinton administration, so some new kind of feminism that wasn't afraid to kick over the established piety of the now moribund second/third/whatever-they-are-calling-themselves-this-week wave would be great. The geek movement—whatever its faults—has a real life about it that we just don't find in feminism anymore. It also has a healthy dose of libertarianism in it. Finally, I think this is a really great point to get going on: it is morally wrong to be a creep and that is a point that needs to be made with force and a woman like Rebecca Watson is just the person to do it.

Go there Ms. Watson,  women need you!

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