Monday, May 3, 2010

More sincerity

Wittgenstein at one point challenges a classic sci-fi notion. You can, of course, imagine a world in which everyone is but you is an automaton but try walking down the street imagining that everyone you see is actually an automaton. You can't do it.

We had a reminder of this yesterday afternoon when we walked Montmorency down by the waterfront here in Barrie. As we walked along he boardwalk, Montmorency walked up to people expecting to be loved as he always is. One guy, however, reached forward and pushed him away. It was odd because Montmorency had already figured out there was no love forthcoming and was walking past him.

Everything about the guy was creepy. He didn't say a word and couldn't even make eye contact. Just another creepy loser as I say and you just hope his creepiness is confined to the kinds that doesn't involve hurting people.

But you see right away that something, sincere human feeling, is missing in the guy.

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