Thursday, November 24, 2011

I'll grant you that the Daily Mail isn't much of a newspaper but this is still pathetic

In an article about Rolling Stone voting Jimi Hendrix "the greatest guitar player of all time" we get this gem:
He famously bought his first guitar at the age of 15 in 1957 for £5, astonished fans by playing with his teeth while out of his mind on hallucinogenic drugs and headlined Woodstock at the peak of his powers in 1969.
Actually, he pretended to play with his teeth while actually playing with his left fretting hand*. It's a trick fiddle and banjo players figured out decades before Hendrix was born. And it probably wasn't original with them. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that Vivaldi used to amuse audiences with this trick, it really is that old.

And no, Hendrix wasn't that greatest anything of all time. Baby boomer rock fans may have produced the most empty, shallow culture of all time though.

* I briefly forgot that he was left-handed.

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